Bridge Builder Breakfast

Bridge Builder Breakfast

Banner with a bright green background. To the right is an image of a child and elder's hands planting something in the dirt, overlaid with a faded version of the Bridge Meadows logo pinwheel. Across the top are the words BRIDGE BUILDER BREAKFAST.


DATE: Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

TIME: Breakfast & Networking at 8:00 AM | Program Begins at 9:00 AM

LOCATIONWorld Forestry Center, Miller Hall


We are pleased to invite you to our second annual Bridge Builder Breakfast in honor of National Foster Care Month. This event is designed as both a networking opportunity and an educational forum, where guests will engage with a panel of experts and connect with peers. Together, we will examine the profound connection between storytelling and resilience, and how these narratives serve as catalysts for meaningful change within foster care. Join us to hear powerful stories, gain a deeper understanding of the foster care narrative, and learn how you can get involved and make a difference.

To confirm your attendance, email our Development & Communications Manager, Sierra Barnes, at


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Program & Timeline


8:00 AM | Doors open for networking, breakfast, and check-in

9:00 AM | Welcome

9:05 AM | Panel Discussion Begins

9:55 AM | Panel Ends & Thank Yous

10:00 AM | Event Closes


Stay tuned for more information regarding our panelists!

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